Securely convert your HDR files to JNG using our entirely local, in browser file converter. No download required, no data leaves your computer.
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Radiance RGBE image format
HDR (Radiance RGBE image format) is an image file format designed to store images with a broad range of luminance levels, from deep shadows to bright highlights, capturing more detail in both areas than standard digital imaging formats. This format is commonly used in photography and computer graphics to achieve more realistic or artistically enhanced representations of light in images. However, HDR files can be larger in size, and they require compatible software and displays to fully appreciate the enhanced dynamic range.
JPEG Network Graphics
JNG (JPEG Network Graphics) is an image file format similar to PNG, but it uses JPEG compression for bitmaps and offers support for color and grayscale images with or without transparency. This format was designed to provide a simpler, more efficient method for transmitting images over the internet, and it allows for lossy compression to reduce file size without a significant loss in quality for certain types of images. However, JNG is not as widely supported as other more common image formats like JPEG and PNG.
We support converting from HDR to all of these formats
We support converting to JNG from all of these formats
Instantly convert and share, no download required
No payment, credit card, or login required. Just click convert and share.
We do all processing locally in your browser using WebAssembly. Your files never leave your computer.
Convert your files entirely in your browser. No installation required.
We use the best possible codecs and settings to ensure no detail is lost.
We don't limit your file size to 100mb like other services. Convert as much as you need.
You can have your files ready to share with a single click.
100% Free, 100% Private
No Download Required
All Processing Done Locally